Benefits of Duct Cleaning
You wouldn’t want your car to run like a midget with a clubbed foot, and so it is the same with your air-conditioning unit. Without regular duct cleaning, a thick layer of dirt and dust will be caked in your system and restrict air flow. Poor airflow leads to higher energy bills, contaminated air, and the eventual destruction of your AC system. Secondly, once you allow dirt to accumulate in your system, it can sneak into the components of your system, such as the AC Coil. Although this can be cleaned independently, the frequency of this cleaning will decrease significantly with regular duct cleaning.
Doing It Yourself
If you are a true “do it yourself,” it is possible to perform a duct cleaning alone. But, it is quite difficult. Learning the art of duct cleaning will require research, specialized tools, and significant free time. For most people, your best option is to reach out to a professional.