January 7, 2020
If you’ve ever read any tips on how to prepare your house for winter, you’ve probably seen the tip over and over again that you should “seal air leaks and cracks around your home.”
That sounds great in theory, but what most of these blogs never get around to answering is, how do you find these leaks? You can’t seal what you can’t see!
This critical step is something that a lot of people don’t know how to do, so today, we’re not just going to give you that tip and leave it there…We’re going to teach you to become an expert hunter for cracks around your home, so that you can ACTUALLY be prepared for winter!
The best way to detect air leaks is to hire a professional to conduct an energy audit, because they can do what’s called a “blower door” test. They blow a fan in your home that depressurizes the air, and can detect how much air is leaking, before and after the professional seals your home. Quite frankly, that’s kind of an expensive option.
Here are some tips for inexpensively detecting air leaks yourself:
So, like many around-the-home DIY tasks, it may seem intimidating at first but it actually isn’t so hard! Soon your home will truly be air-tight, and not only will you save money but you’ll be prepared for winter, too!
If you want to learn more about whether your home is properly prepared for winter, we’re here to answer your questions.
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